Friday, December 8, 2006

life as we know it

I'm new to the blogging world, but Katie sent me to her site and I thought it was really cool and am going to try it. I see it as a great way to keep in touch with old friends!

Life is crazy!! A stressful job full of wonderful kids with not always wonderful homelives mixed with an independent 2 year old girl, two new cats, an anxious dog and a lovely fiancee with big hopes and dreams! I wouldn't change a thing. We just bought a house in the lovely town of Manchester and being responsible for fixing everything is a lot of pressure! but, much nicer than paying for someone else's mortgage. the first real snow fell today and i was a mad woman driving this morning. it took me twice as long to get everywhere and i was going 30 mph on the interstate. people were probably irratated! but as i look out the window from my office, it looks beautiful and makes me want to go christmas shopping. sometimes i do love maine :)


Katie said...

Welcome to the world of blogs! 2 new cats?? When did that happen? I am excited that you and I can keep in touch this way as you! Katie

Christina said...

Yay, Amber! I'm so excited that you started a blog. This will be a great way to stay in touch. It sounds like you're busy, busy, busy...but how fun that you bought a house and in Manchester. I bet it's darling. Aliyah sounds like such a doll! I hope to see pictures of her on here. Great to hear from you.