Friday, June 8, 2007

Mama Joyce

Well...mama Joyce finally came home and we got to spend the evening on the couch chatting about everything! We caught up in details of each other's lives and it was like she never left. I miss her terribly! She met Aliyah that night also, and of course Aliyah at first wouldn't talk to her. Joyce and I would laugh about something and Aliyah would say, "Shh, too loud!" She was the end of the night she really liked her though. Of course after she left the house she said bye from the window. It felt like old times with a new twist (Aliyah)! I miss her....... :(


Katie said...

It is great to see Mama Joyce with you and Aliyah! I'm glad you guys had such a great visit. I talked to Christina yesterday and she mentioned that Joyce had a fun time with you. By the way, we were also talking about our 10 year reunion for WHS and an Alumni Caberet...what do you think?? :) Love and miss ya!

Christina said...

Those are great pictures! I am so jealous that my mom got to come and meet Aliyah and see your darling house...before me! I'm so glad you guys were able to connect, I know she was so happy to see you both. I just wish I was there having fun with you. :-)