Tuesday, July 8, 2008

only when i'm three

So, last weekend Aliyah was up camping with my parents and our friends Kirk and Jess. Kirk and Jess took Aliyah fishing and here's the conversation that ensued...

Aliyah: "Why does that sign say stop?"
Jess: "How did you know that?"
Aliyah: "Cuz, I read it"
Jess: "It's a hectagon"
Aliyah: "No, it's a hexagon"
Jess: "You're right, you're really smart"
Aliyah: "Yah, I know, I'm smarter than everyone"
Jess: "That must be stressful"
Aliyah: "Not any more, it was only stressful when I was three"

I just don't know where she comes up with this stuff...every day she never ceases to amaze me!