Wednesday, May 30, 2007

New Things

Well two very exciting things happened this past weekend. Shawn and I mowed our very own personal lawn for the first time. I couldn't believe what a great feeling that was and it was so wonderful we took turns and both mowed!!!! :) I felt good mowing a lawn that I owned! The little things in life I suppose are the was so nice.

The second thing was Aliyah took her very first shower (after I mowed and she played in the hose and consequently the mud from the driveway). This is a major deal because she hates to have water on her head. So we got in and she stood in front of me, having me block most of the water and as I was washing her hair she was saying through shivers, "This isn't so bad". I tried hard not to laugh at her because she was being so brave. So, as we were in there, we made up a song, "you don't have to be afraid of the water" (of course, the tune was corny, but catchy). And she kept singing it the whole time. But, then she kept substituting water for bathtub. She even sang it to Shawn as he helped her put on her jammies! Too funny! She is growing up too fast...if only she would use the potty...i guess one thing at a time :)


Christina said...

Aliyah is growing up! Henry has been freaking out in his baths lately when I wash his hair so I can't even imagine him taking a shower. Such a big step! I was just talking to some moms last night about potty training, most of them have older children who are potty trained and they said that what people say is definitely true, they will do it when they're ready. It's hard advice because sometimes you don't want to have to wait, but they all said it worked! Also, the whole lawn thing...congrats! It is so different when things belong to you. I think you take pride in them. I still don't mow our lawn good for you! Patrick wouldn't know what to think if I was outside fighting him for the mower!

Katie said...

Maybe you should make up a song about the potty too? :) She is too cute...I can just picture it and it makes me laugh!