Friday, October 26, 2007


Since we are poor folk from Manchester Maine we went to Bar Harbor on our Honeymoon. I actually can't complain we had a great time. The view from our room (which are the scenic pics) was to die for. Because of the time of year everything was on of course Shawn shopped til he dropped. We stayed in a nice hotel and ate fancy food, so not like us. But I was glad to only be gone a few days, I missed Aliyah like crazy. I guess she was at school crying because she wanted her mommy. It broke my heart..... but we had a blast and it's nice to be married!


Katie said...

So glad you had a great time on your honeymoon! It was really nice of you both to stop by the house on your way to say goodbye - we had such a great time with you that weekend. I love you and miss you and will be sending you pics via email tonight! love you!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well said.