Friday, October 26, 2007

I am sergio tachini, and I am Victoria and we are married, married, married?

That title is for you feels funny to think of myself as a married woman...but it's been great! We had such a wonderful day, it was supposed to downpour in the morning and it ended up being beautiful all day long...God was smiling down on us for sure! Everything went off without a hitch and everyone had a fabulous time ( I heard). It was funny because the night of our wedding I woke up in the middle of the night and Shawn wasn't there, I went out into the living room and he was out there sleeping on the couch. I shouted over to him, "one day married and your already sleeping on the couch". He said it was too hot in the bedroom, i had to laugh! Married Life!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Christina said...

Oh my gosh...I've been checking your blog hoping to see wedding pictures and I about died laughing when I saw your title. HILARIOUS! I can just hear us saying it...what ever happend to that shirt anyway?? I'll have to ask my mom :-)

Congratulations!! You are such a beautiful bride. You just look radiant! I love the picture of the two of you walking down the aisle, Shawn is just beaming. It's so sweet. Wish we could have been there. Looks like a beautiful wedding. Congrats again! (you old married woman!)