Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Just wondering....is it normal for an almost 4 year old to lie about stuff. like this morning, aliyah wanted to wear her pjs to school...i said you can't wear those you wore them to bed. and she looked right at me and said, no i didn't. she does that kind of stuff all the time...just lies about little things that i know aren't true...my dad is worried that this is a future indicator of how she will act, but she's still pretty little and maybe just testing things out????? i don't know........


Christina said...
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Christina said...

Hi Amber,

Let me try this again. I just left you a comment with a link - to my email inbox!! OOPS! Ok, so I got this email today and I'll try to link it but it said it's very common for preschoolers to stretch the truth. I thought of you and this post!

Love you!
try this link:http://parentcenter.babycenter.com/0_lying-why-it-happens-and-what-to-do-about-it_63589.pc