Wednesday, April 2, 2008


so i told aliyah that we were going to go to Diane's baby shower next saturday...i explained to her what a baby shower is, that you give presents to the mommy and when she has the baby, the baby gets to have the about 3 hours went by and aliyah got up, got her purse, and said i'm ready to go the baby bath...i was very confused and had no idea what she was talking about....she said, you know your friend who is having the baby...i just about died laughing, i said, aliyah, it's a baby shower!!!!!! too funny! but an honest mistake


Christina said...

Diane's having a baby??? Yay, such exciting news! Please tell her congratulations for me! Does she know if it's a girl or boy? And when is she due? How exciting!!

Aliyah is a riot. I'm sure the whole shower idea was probably really confusing. It is weird that it's called that. I once had a guy at a bakery offer to decorate a cake for a shower I was coordinating with babies falling from a shower head. I thought that was the weirdest thing I've ever heard. :-) Also I love that Aliyah has a purse! Ah the differences between girls and boys! :-)

Love you!

Anonymous said...

I know Christina, they are confusing and that cake idea is bizarre!! She is having a girl, Claire Emily due on May 10th. I am super excited for her!!!

The thing I love most about Aliyah is she is a little boy, but still very girly...the best of both worlds!!
