Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Aliyah is so funny....some of the things that she says, I GASP! Here is an example! So, she was in her afternoon class at school the other day and they were reading a story. A picture of a mole (the animal) came up on a page...the teacher asked the children if they knew what that was. Aliyah, as confident as could be, piped up and said, "Yah, that's a nipple"! WHAT??!! A nipple....oh dear me! I'm not sure where she gets the connection. She definitely knows what a real nipple is, because I don't use cute names for things, like who-hoo, and ninnie or anything like that, I use the real names, but to mistake a nipple for a mole, interesting, very interesting!!! :() She definitely keeps me on my toes!

Friday, January 25, 2008


Men are funny little beings aren't they? I am fascinated every day how different they are from women. So, this morning, I gave Shawn money to go to Unicel and pay our phone bill (the bill was big because it was two payments). So, I'm at work and he walks into my classroom with a box. It was a new phone. I said, "What is this?" He says (and I quote), "The lady at Unicel was being mean to me, so I left and went to US Cellular and got a new plan with new phones". WHAT??!! Someone was mean to you so you just went somewhere else. The logic in that is crazy! But, I got a new phone that can take pictures (my last one couldn't). So I guess that's a bonus....and come to find out Shawn got himself a Blackberry. He's a funny guy! Just so different from a woman, but I guess it makes a good balance.... :)

Thursday, January 17, 2008


well....aliyah made her first trip the emergency room last thursday! what a nightmare....she had been sick for like a week with a rough cough and runny nose....but she was starting to get better. i got home on thursday and she was all over, i miss you mom....rubbing my face, kissing me....about 730 she complained that her ear was hurting....then at 800 she started to cry....after a failed attempt to walmart to find some earache medicine, that ended up not working, at 1030, i took her to the emergency room, jammies and all....i felt so bad for her, she was in so much pain that she didn't know what to do with herself, she didn't want to sit, stand, lie down, nothing....the doctor gave her all the medicine she needed right there and she was better instantly and so tired!! poor girl, we finally strolled back into the house at 115 in the morning...it was a long night, one i hope not to repeat, but i'm glad she got better!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Tape your heart?

I know it's been a while since I blogged, we don't have a computer at home right now and we get in trouble if we use the computer at work for personal stuff, so I try to do it when i can....

But I have a couple of funny stories about Aliyah. I am amazed at some of the things that she says sometimes....

So the other day we were all sitting on the couch watching some tv and she looked at me and said, "Mom when your heart breaks do you put tape on it?" I laughed and said, "No honey it doesn't really break, it just hurts sometimes". She responded, "But, Daddy breaks it" I thought oh gosh...she knows already that men break ladies hearts!! I looked at her and said, "Daddy doesn't break my heart, he makes it better". Then curious I asked her, "Who breaks your heart", she said "Tyson"....he's our dog. I thought what a funny conversation.....she is so observant and doesn't miss anything people say....which leads me to the next conversation....

Recently I started back up on Weight Watchers....Yah :)
So, she was at school the other day in her afternoon class and looked at her teacher and said, "Big people don't eat" and Sam replied, "Yes, they do" and Aliyah responded, "Well, Amber doesn't eat anymore". I had to die laughing, She must have heard me tell someone that I feel like I don't eat anymore. I'm telling ya, she doesn't miss anything..........I'll be posting some pictures soon......