Friday, January 25, 2008


Men are funny little beings aren't they? I am fascinated every day how different they are from women. So, this morning, I gave Shawn money to go to Unicel and pay our phone bill (the bill was big because it was two payments). So, I'm at work and he walks into my classroom with a box. It was a new phone. I said, "What is this?" He says (and I quote), "The lady at Unicel was being mean to me, so I left and went to US Cellular and got a new plan with new phones". WHAT??!! Someone was mean to you so you just went somewhere else. The logic in that is crazy! But, I got a new phone that can take pictures (my last one couldn't). So I guess that's a bonus....and come to find out Shawn got himself a Blackberry. He's a funny guy! Just so different from a woman, but I guess it makes a good balance.... :)

1 comment:

Christina said...

The funniest thing about this story is that Shawn ended up with a Blackberry!! It makes you wonder if he was just itching for a reason to head over to US Cellular. HA HA! Too funny. Men, gotta love 'em!