Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Tape your heart?

I know it's been a while since I blogged, we don't have a computer at home right now and we get in trouble if we use the computer at work for personal stuff, so I try to do it when i can....

But I have a couple of funny stories about Aliyah. I am amazed at some of the things that she says sometimes....

So the other day we were all sitting on the couch watching some tv and she looked at me and said, "Mom when your heart breaks do you put tape on it?" I laughed and said, "No honey it doesn't really break, it just hurts sometimes". She responded, "But, Daddy breaks it" I thought oh gosh...she knows already that men break ladies hearts!! I looked at her and said, "Daddy doesn't break my heart, he makes it better". Then curious I asked her, "Who breaks your heart", she said "Tyson"....he's our dog. I thought what a funny conversation.....she is so observant and doesn't miss anything people say....which leads me to the next conversation....

Recently I started back up on Weight Watchers....Yah :)
So, she was at school the other day in her afternoon class and looked at her teacher and said, "Big people don't eat" and Sam replied, "Yes, they do" and Aliyah responded, "Well, Amber doesn't eat anymore". I had to die laughing, She must have heard me tell someone that I feel like I don't eat anymore. I'm telling ya, she doesn't miss anything..........I'll be posting some pictures soon......

1 comment:

Christina said...

How hilarious that she thought you could literally fix a broken heart! I crack up at the things that come out of Henry's mouth now too. Their understanding of this world and how things work is so sweet and innocent. It's precious. I wish we could always hang on to that. I hope you're all doing well. I miss you. I hope we'll see eachother this summer for a 98 reunion. I would just love to meet Shawn and Aliyah!!

Love you!