Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Aliyah is so funny....some of the things that she says, I GASP! Here is an example! So, she was in her afternoon class at school the other day and they were reading a story. A picture of a mole (the animal) came up on a page...the teacher asked the children if they knew what that was. Aliyah, as confident as could be, piped up and said, "Yah, that's a nipple"! WHAT??!! A nipple....oh dear me! I'm not sure where she gets the connection. She definitely knows what a real nipple is, because I don't use cute names for things, like who-hoo, and ninnie or anything like that, I use the real names, but to mistake a nipple for a mole, interesting, very interesting!!! :() She definitely keeps me on my toes!


Sara said...

Hi, Amber!

This story had me cracking up...especially the "who-hoo" part. She sounds like such a cutie!

Hope all is well!


Christina said...

Oh my!! I'm sitting here laughing, too! What do you even say??? How hilarious. She sounds like a character. Where ever did she get that personality?? :-)

Can't wait to meet the sweet girl!

love you!