Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Highs and Lows

I am going to take an idea from Christina and create my highs and lows for the week....

-A definite high for the week was bringing Aliyah to Dianes baby shower. It really makes me look forward to giving Aliyah the opportunity to be a big sister. I know that she is going to make a great one...she is very loving to babies and just wants to play with them. So, I think at the beginning I will certainly have to monitor her (because as I know from experience, when I was young, Krystal used to pick me up by my neck and try to carry me around) but she will be a great big sister.

- A low for me last week was work. We have had so many cases of possible parent neglect and it kills me to see it. It is exhausting to worry about all these little bodies, but who wouldn't worry when you see something fishy....why can't people just love their kids unconditionally and take care of them...I know that God brought these little ones to this Center so we could look after them and I thank him for that, because who knows where they would be without our help.... :(

I like this idea Christina, it really gives me the chance to take a reflectful look back on my week and make sure I find some positives in it! Great idea!

1 comment:

Christina said...

Yay Amber! I love that you're playing this little game. I loved reading your highs and lows. I do like looking back over my week and reflecting. I feel like time goes by so fast that it helps to slow down and think about what just happend.

Anyway, Aliyah will be a great big sister!! Can't wait for the news...

Also, working where you work would be tough. It would definitely break my heart to see so many hurting children. God has definitely placed you there for a reason, you have a huge heart.

love you!!