Tuesday, April 22, 2008


So, I sent away for Aliyah to get children's bible lessons in the mail to see what they would be and how appropriate for her they might be. Well we got the first one last week and they are cute! First you read a story and then you take a "test". So, we read the story and it pertained to Genesis 1:1--where it explains that God made everything. After we read it, we talked about it and took the test. Well....because of that story Aliyah will say, "Mom did you know that God made trees, he loves people the most, even me!! And mom, did you know that I love him!" It melts my heart. I have always wanted Aliyah to know God at a young age, because I never got the chance to do that....so, then you send the test back and they mail you another one. It's fun because she is super excited to do it, looking forward to reading the story or going over the test questions every night. She even looked at my mom the other day and said, "You know what Memere, God loves me and I love him!" My mom asked her where she learned that, and she said, "Mom told me!" That made me feel good...I'll keep you posted on the next lesson! :)


Christina said...

Oh that is so sweet. That would melt my heart, too to hear my boys say that. I think it's so great that you're doing those lessons with her. Where are they from? I'm interested!

Katie said...

What a great idea! That is such a precious moment and it's great that you took the initiative to find the lessons - I'm interested too - where are they from? xoxo