Wednesday, June 18, 2008

funny things

Every day I look at Aliyah and think, "what will she say today?" she says the funniest, weirdest, most insightful things a four year old could say. here are a few!

  • So, we watch Jeopardy every night, partly because I like it and partly because I don't want to pay for cable any more. Now, I consider myself a relatively smart person, nothing compared to the people on jeopardy. I get a few answers right during each round and I always say them out loud, kinda habit. Well, when Aliyah is in the room, she is amazed. I'll say the answer, then the contestant (or Alex) will say the same thing. She looks at me and smiles every time. One time she says, "WOW, mom why are you so smart?" I like that she thinks I am smart, but I didn't know how to answer, so of course I said, "Because mommy is so great!" Gotta toot my horn when I can...So, when they get to the end of jeopardy when they all answer the same question and the music comes on...Aliyah will say in her most excited voice, "Mommy, this is where they get serious!" I die laughing every time she says it. And of course, she sings the theme song...too funny!
  • So, in our living room we have a ceiling fan with a light on it...if you are sitting on the couch and look out toward the dining room, you are looking right at it. so, aliyah and I were sitting on the couch the other night and Shawn came out of the bedroom to tell us, he was standing right under the light and you couldn't really see his face at all because of the, Aliyah says, "Daddy you look like darkness"...then of course she gets into the questioning of why she is brown, daddy is black and i am yellow (she thinks white people are yellow and when i think about it she's right!)

I gotta go, but i'll post some more soon about her crazy ideas/thoughts......

Thursday, June 5, 2008


So, we have a hair stylist who has a daughter that once attended the a thank you she comes back every few months and gives haircuts at no charge! I know, what a great thing to do!!!! So, I decided that it was time for Aliyahs very first haircut by a pro! I know what you're thinking, she is 4 and has never had a haircut, but her hair grows funny and I've always just trimmed it....i thought for sure she would give Lorna a hard time, because she never lets me brush her hair without hollering! but, of course she was perfect for her! never moved or flinched once....she did a good job and Lorna gave me some tips on how to make her hair always look great! believe me i need them!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

the joys of having a little girl :)

so, as you all know Aliyah is very smart and quite a character! so, a couple of weeks ago I was changing her clothes. She looks down and begins to laugh...this goes on for a few seconds and finally I said, "Aliyah, what is so funny?". She looks at me with absolute joy in her face and says, "Mommy, I think my boobies are growing!" I couldn't believe my ears....I tried not to laugh and responded, "Honey, they probably aren't growing yet", and she looked right at me and stated, "Yes they are and I hope my legs grow too!"

Oh BOY!! I am scared for the future years to come with her and all the changes she will go through, may the Lord guide me!!!!! :)