Thursday, January 17, 2008


well....aliyah made her first trip the emergency room last thursday! what a nightmare....she had been sick for like a week with a rough cough and runny nose....but she was starting to get better. i got home on thursday and she was all over, i miss you mom....rubbing my face, kissing me....about 730 she complained that her ear was hurting....then at 800 she started to cry....after a failed attempt to walmart to find some earache medicine, that ended up not working, at 1030, i took her to the emergency room, jammies and all....i felt so bad for her, she was in so much pain that she didn't know what to do with herself, she didn't want to sit, stand, lie down, nothing....the doctor gave her all the medicine she needed right there and she was better instantly and so tired!! poor girl, we finally strolled back into the house at 115 in the was a long night, one i hope not to repeat, but i'm glad she got better!


Christina said...

Oh my goodness....poor baby! You must have been so scared. I know I'd be so worried to not know what was going on. I'm glad they were able to give her medicine and hope she's feeling better soon!

Love you!

Katie said...

Her first trip huh? Well James had his first at 4 months or something so you're doing good! xo