There is a new great series of books I am addicted to....The Yada Yada Prayer Group....the jist is about a 3rd grade teacher who portrays herself as the "good Christian". Or so she thinks...She attends a women's conference and gets placed into a prayer group with a lot of different kinds of people, an ex-con, a newly christian japenese student...etc....believe me, lots of different they pray together they become like the closest of sisters and Jodi (the main character) realizes that she is a sinner just like everyone else...
These books have really lifted my spirit to the Lord and given me a few ideas to try myself...for instance, every day I walk to the end of my street in the morning because I carpool with a friend to work....well after reading these books, I now pray out loud during the whole walk and I praise Jesus more than anything now! It's been eye opening....I suggest these books if you are looking for a good read! Let me know what you think!
Amber :)
By the way MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Thanks for the great blogging this year...I like this way to outlet my happy and frustrating times! Keep em coming!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Good news!! We had an IEP meeting for Aliyah last Tuesday and she finally received developmental therapy in the behavior program that we have here at my work! We also will receive psychological services for our family. She was diagnosed with Relationship Disorder, but that isn't something that she will have foreve, it is something that can be turned around...we are very excited and I'll keep everyone posted on how things are progressing! Gotta get back to work! Thanks for the prayers...keep them coming!
Friday, October 17, 2008
My sweet little girl is coming back!

So, for the past 8 or so months, Aliyah has had some really tough behavior issues. I racked my brain to figure out what was going on...was it my parenting, was it a growth got so bad that I decided I had to do something. I felt very bad, especially since I am a developmental therapist and every day deal with challenging behaviors from kids her age, but I just couldn't do it anymore....i was I called our local Child Development Services (I didn't even cry when I talked to them)! I got hooked up with a psychologist who has been sent my God....he has helped us so much with the way to deal with her behaviors, how to help her sleep (she sometimes doesn't go to bed until 11:00 and we get up at 615!!) So, this weekend was a three day weekend and we spent every minute together and it was GREAT! We had fun hanging out, playing games, watching Barbie movies and just being together. She had a few meltdowns, but nothing compared to what it used to be.....She looked at me on Saturday afternoon and said, "Mom, you make my heart happy, I love you!" I was speechless, but felt the same way. When I saw my mom on Tuesday, I told her that it was nice to be able to enjoy your child and not feel trapped in a world of anger and frustration on both of our parts! She is coming back!!!!! I feel like God sent me a message, "Never be afraid, ashamed, embarrased to advocate for anything your child needs"....I wasn't afraid and she is getting the help that she needs!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
only when i'm three
So, last weekend Aliyah was up camping with my parents and our friends Kirk and Jess. Kirk and Jess took Aliyah fishing and here's the conversation that ensued...
Aliyah: "Why does that sign say stop?"
Jess: "How did you know that?"
Aliyah: "Cuz, I read it"
Jess: "It's a hectagon"
Aliyah: "No, it's a hexagon"
Jess: "You're right, you're really smart"
Aliyah: "Yah, I know, I'm smarter than everyone"
Jess: "That must be stressful"
Aliyah: "Not any more, it was only stressful when I was three"
I just don't know where she comes up with this stuff...every day she never ceases to amaze me!
Aliyah: "Why does that sign say stop?"
Jess: "How did you know that?"
Aliyah: "Cuz, I read it"
Jess: "It's a hectagon"
Aliyah: "No, it's a hexagon"
Jess: "You're right, you're really smart"
Aliyah: "Yah, I know, I'm smarter than everyone"
Jess: "That must be stressful"
Aliyah: "Not any more, it was only stressful when I was three"
I just don't know where she comes up with this stuff...every day she never ceases to amaze me!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
funny things
Every day I look at Aliyah and think, "what will she say today?" she says the funniest, weirdest, most insightful things a four year old could say. here are a few!
- So, we watch Jeopardy every night, partly because I like it and partly because I don't want to pay for cable any more. Now, I consider myself a relatively smart person, nothing compared to the people on jeopardy. I get a few answers right during each round and I always say them out loud, kinda habit. Well, when Aliyah is in the room, she is amazed. I'll say the answer, then the contestant (or Alex) will say the same thing. She looks at me and smiles every time. One time she says, "WOW, mom why are you so smart?" I like that she thinks I am smart, but I didn't know how to answer, so of course I said, "Because mommy is so great!" Gotta toot my horn when I can...So, when they get to the end of jeopardy when they all answer the same question and the music comes on...Aliyah will say in her most excited voice, "Mommy, this is where they get serious!" I die laughing every time she says it. And of course, she sings the theme song...too funny!
- So, in our living room we have a ceiling fan with a light on it...if you are sitting on the couch and look out toward the dining room, you are looking right at it. so, aliyah and I were sitting on the couch the other night and Shawn came out of the bedroom to tell us, he was standing right under the light and you couldn't really see his face at all because of the, Aliyah says, "Daddy you look like darkness"...then of course she gets into the questioning of why she is brown, daddy is black and i am yellow (she thinks white people are yellow and when i think about it she's right!)
I gotta go, but i'll post some more soon about her crazy ideas/thoughts......
Thursday, June 5, 2008

So, we have a hair stylist who has a daughter that once attended the a thank you she comes back every few months and gives haircuts at no charge! I know, what a great thing to do!!!! So, I decided that it was time for Aliyahs very first haircut by a pro! I know what you're thinking, she is 4 and has never had a haircut, but her hair grows funny and I've always just trimmed it....i thought for sure she would give Lorna a hard time, because she never lets me brush her hair without hollering! but, of course she was perfect for her! never moved or flinched once....she did a good job and Lorna gave me some tips on how to make her hair always look great! believe me i need them!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
the joys of having a little girl :)
so, as you all know Aliyah is very smart and quite a character! so, a couple of weeks ago I was changing her clothes. She looks down and begins to laugh...this goes on for a few seconds and finally I said, "Aliyah, what is so funny?". She looks at me with absolute joy in her face and says, "Mommy, I think my boobies are growing!" I couldn't believe my ears....I tried not to laugh and responded, "Honey, they probably aren't growing yet", and she looked right at me and stated, "Yes they are and I hope my legs grow too!"
Oh BOY!! I am scared for the future years to come with her and all the changes she will go through, may the Lord guide me!!!!! :)
Oh BOY!! I am scared for the future years to come with her and all the changes she will go through, may the Lord guide me!!!!! :)
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
So, I sent away for Aliyah to get children's bible lessons in the mail to see what they would be and how appropriate for her they might be. Well we got the first one last week and they are cute! First you read a story and then you take a "test". So, we read the story and it pertained to Genesis 1:1--where it explains that God made everything. After we read it, we talked about it and took the test. Well....because of that story Aliyah will say, "Mom did you know that God made trees, he loves people the most, even me!! And mom, did you know that I love him!" It melts my heart. I have always wanted Aliyah to know God at a young age, because I never got the chance to do, then you send the test back and they mail you another one. It's fun because she is super excited to do it, looking forward to reading the story or going over the test questions every night. She even looked at my mom the other day and said, "You know what Memere, God loves me and I love him!" My mom asked her where she learned that, and she said, "Mom told me!" That made me feel good...I'll keep you posted on the next lesson! :)
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Highs and Lows
I am going to take an idea from Christina and create my highs and lows for the week....
-A definite high for the week was bringing Aliyah to Dianes baby shower. It really makes me look forward to giving Aliyah the opportunity to be a big sister. I know that she is going to make a great one...she is very loving to babies and just wants to play with them. So, I think at the beginning I will certainly have to monitor her (because as I know from experience, when I was young, Krystal used to pick me up by my neck and try to carry me around) but she will be a great big sister.
- A low for me last week was work. We have had so many cases of possible parent neglect and it kills me to see it. It is exhausting to worry about all these little bodies, but who wouldn't worry when you see something fishy....why can't people just love their kids unconditionally and take care of them...I know that God brought these little ones to this Center so we could look after them and I thank him for that, because who knows where they would be without our help.... :(
I like this idea Christina, it really gives me the chance to take a reflectful look back on my week and make sure I find some positives in it! Great idea!
-A definite high for the week was bringing Aliyah to Dianes baby shower. It really makes me look forward to giving Aliyah the opportunity to be a big sister. I know that she is going to make a great one...she is very loving to babies and just wants to play with them. So, I think at the beginning I will certainly have to monitor her (because as I know from experience, when I was young, Krystal used to pick me up by my neck and try to carry me around) but she will be a great big sister.
- A low for me last week was work. We have had so many cases of possible parent neglect and it kills me to see it. It is exhausting to worry about all these little bodies, but who wouldn't worry when you see something fishy....why can't people just love their kids unconditionally and take care of them...I know that God brought these little ones to this Center so we could look after them and I thank him for that, because who knows where they would be without our help.... :(
I like this idea Christina, it really gives me the chance to take a reflectful look back on my week and make sure I find some positives in it! Great idea!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
so i told aliyah that we were going to go to Diane's baby shower next saturday...i explained to her what a baby shower is, that you give presents to the mommy and when she has the baby, the baby gets to have the about 3 hours went by and aliyah got up, got her purse, and said i'm ready to go the baby bath...i was very confused and had no idea what she was talking about....she said, you know your friend who is having the baby...i just about died laughing, i said, aliyah, it's a baby shower!!!!!! too funny! but an honest mistake
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Just it normal for an almost 4 year old to lie about stuff. like this morning, aliyah wanted to wear her pjs to school...i said you can't wear those you wore them to bed. and she looked right at me and said, no i didn't. she does that kind of stuff all the time...just lies about little things that i know aren't dad is worried that this is a future indicator of how she will act, but she's still pretty little and maybe just testing things out????? i don't know........
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Malcolm loves money...he finally knows what having money means and he just loves 1$ bills, you have to watch your purse when you go over because he'll take it out of your bag!
mal and memere and his cake
more money!! yahoo shopping!
malcolm loves his new movie snow buddies.... :)

Aliyah first tried the adult skee-ball but couldn't get her ball all the way to the top, so then we moved over to her size skee-ball and she did really good!
Aliyah and cody ride the train
Aliyah shoots hoops, but i ended up finishing the game for her

Malcolm had his 9 th birthday party at Jokers on saturday...his actual birthday is today. We had so much fun, although I should admit, I think I had more fun than the kids did....but I am a kid at heart! The best part was, I only spent 20$ what a deal! can't beat it...after we went to my mothers and had cake and presents (mal's favorite part)!!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Aliyah is so funny....some of the things that she says, I GASP! Here is an example! So, she was in her afternoon class at school the other day and they were reading a story. A picture of a mole (the animal) came up on a page...the teacher asked the children if they knew what that was. Aliyah, as confident as could be, piped up and said, "Yah, that's a nipple"! WHAT??!! A nipple....oh dear me! I'm not sure where she gets the connection. She definitely knows what a real nipple is, because I don't use cute names for things, like who-hoo, and ninnie or anything like that, I use the real names, but to mistake a nipple for a mole, interesting, very interesting!!! :() She definitely keeps me on my toes!
Friday, January 25, 2008
Men are funny little beings aren't they? I am fascinated every day how different they are from women. So, this morning, I gave Shawn money to go to Unicel and pay our phone bill (the bill was big because it was two payments). So, I'm at work and he walks into my classroom with a box. It was a new phone. I said, "What is this?" He says (and I quote), "The lady at Unicel was being mean to me, so I left and went to US Cellular and got a new plan with new phones". WHAT??!! Someone was mean to you so you just went somewhere else. The logic in that is crazy! But, I got a new phone that can take pictures (my last one couldn't). So I guess that's a bonus....and come to find out Shawn got himself a Blackberry. He's a funny guy! Just so different from a woman, but I guess it makes a good balance.... :)
Thursday, January 17, 2008
well....aliyah made her first trip the emergency room last thursday! what a nightmare....she had been sick for like a week with a rough cough and runny nose....but she was starting to get better. i got home on thursday and she was all over, i miss you mom....rubbing my face, kissing me....about 730 she complained that her ear was hurting....then at 800 she started to cry....after a failed attempt to walmart to find some earache medicine, that ended up not working, at 1030, i took her to the emergency room, jammies and all....i felt so bad for her, she was in so much pain that she didn't know what to do with herself, she didn't want to sit, stand, lie down, nothing....the doctor gave her all the medicine she needed right there and she was better instantly and so tired!! poor girl, we finally strolled back into the house at 115 in the was a long night, one i hope not to repeat, but i'm glad she got better!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Tape your heart?
I know it's been a while since I blogged, we don't have a computer at home right now and we get in trouble if we use the computer at work for personal stuff, so I try to do it when i can....
But I have a couple of funny stories about Aliyah. I am amazed at some of the things that she says sometimes....
So the other day we were all sitting on the couch watching some tv and she looked at me and said, "Mom when your heart breaks do you put tape on it?" I laughed and said, "No honey it doesn't really break, it just hurts sometimes". She responded, "But, Daddy breaks it" I thought oh gosh...she knows already that men break ladies hearts!! I looked at her and said, "Daddy doesn't break my heart, he makes it better". Then curious I asked her, "Who breaks your heart", she said "Tyson"....he's our dog. I thought what a funny conversation.....she is so observant and doesn't miss anything people say....which leads me to the next conversation....
Recently I started back up on Weight Watchers....Yah :)
So, she was at school the other day in her afternoon class and looked at her teacher and said, "Big people don't eat" and Sam replied, "Yes, they do" and Aliyah responded, "Well, Amber doesn't eat anymore". I had to die laughing, She must have heard me tell someone that I feel like I don't eat anymore. I'm telling ya, she doesn't miss anything..........I'll be posting some pictures soon......
But I have a couple of funny stories about Aliyah. I am amazed at some of the things that she says sometimes....
So the other day we were all sitting on the couch watching some tv and she looked at me and said, "Mom when your heart breaks do you put tape on it?" I laughed and said, "No honey it doesn't really break, it just hurts sometimes". She responded, "But, Daddy breaks it" I thought oh gosh...she knows already that men break ladies hearts!! I looked at her and said, "Daddy doesn't break my heart, he makes it better". Then curious I asked her, "Who breaks your heart", she said "Tyson"....he's our dog. I thought what a funny conversation.....she is so observant and doesn't miss anything people say....which leads me to the next conversation....
Recently I started back up on Weight Watchers....Yah :)
So, she was at school the other day in her afternoon class and looked at her teacher and said, "Big people don't eat" and Sam replied, "Yes, they do" and Aliyah responded, "Well, Amber doesn't eat anymore". I had to die laughing, She must have heard me tell someone that I feel like I don't eat anymore. I'm telling ya, she doesn't miss anything..........I'll be posting some pictures soon......
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